
Let us know if you want something removed


Many images in this website are from pixabay or pexels, released under Pixabay License / Pexels License for free use. Other images are legally bought on


Since we respect artist and content owner rights, it is our policy to respond to alleged infringement notices that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”).

If you find material here that you want to be removed you can contact us. We check sources at and as good as we can but it can happen that your materials were wrongly uploaded from another person without your consent. Let us know:

Open Music Games Team is not responsible for the content of or any other TXT-File-Hosting nor community. Our project only aggregates information about the scene for transparency reasons. It's an information website. There are TXT files in this third-party database that some artists maybe don't tolerate. Please use at your own discretion. Get more info under Songs.

Last updated